2018-03-13 (Tue)

Google Data Studio 基礎

Google Data Studio 是 Google 推出的一個儀表板服務,讓我們可以利用多種連結器將儲存在如 Google Analytics、 Google 試算表及 Google BigQuery 等特定資料來源的資料做出漂亮的 visualization ,用資料講故事而不用自己設計 UI。這篇把學到的一些技巧以及使用心得記錄下來。

2018-03-05 (Mon)

Pelican 實戰手冊(主題篇)

Pelican 是一個用 Python 寫的靜態網頁生成器, 可以幫我們把 reStructedText, Markdown file 甚至 Jupyer notebook 轉成靜態的 HTML 檔案。 有些人可能已經注意到這個部落格是用 Pelican 所寫成並且 host 在 Github 上的。這篇主要紀錄如何使用 Jinja2 自訂主題。

2017-09-26 (Tue)

Simple Convolutional Neural Network using TensorFlow

The goal here is to practice building convolutional neural networks to classify notMNIST characters using TensorFlow. As image size become bigger and bigger, it become unpractical to train fully-connected NN because there will be just too many parameters and thus the model will overfit very soon. And CNN solve this problem by weight sharing. We will start by building a CNN with two convolutional layers connected by a fully connected layer and then try also pooling layer and other thing to improve the model performance.

2017-09-21 (Thu)

Using TensorFlow to Train a Shallow NN with Stochastic Gradient Descent

The goal here is to progressively train deeper and more accurate models using TensorFlow. We will first load the notMNIST dataset which we have done data cleaning. For the classification problem, we will first train two logistic regression models use simple gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) respectively for optimization to see the difference between these optimizers.
